We’ll give you a captivating smile
There’s probably nothing more alluring and charming than a smile – especially when it comes from brilliantly white teeth. However, maintaining that whiteness is a challenge. To keep it forever, you would need to give up many pleasures: tobacco, coffee, tea, red wine, curry, tomato sauces. But even that doesn’t work in the long run. Just like regular dental hygiene. The discoloration and darkening of teeth usually have natural causes. Over time, the enamel that gives teeth their white color becomes thinner, and the underlying yellowish dentin becomes more visible. – Fortunately, this is no longer a problem. Modern whitening gels restore the natural whiteness of your teeth. The bleaching agent, peroxide, penetrates the superficial layer of the teeth, where it breaks down the color pigments – making the teeth whiter.
To avoid the risk of damaging gums and tooth enamel, Venus Beauty uses a highly effective whitening gel with only 0.1% peroxide. The treatment takes 2 x 18 minutes and shows immediate results. For heavily discolored teeth, several sessions are usually necessary to achieve the desired level of whiteness.
After a Treatment
Avoid foods and drinks that can contribute to tooth discoloration for 24 hours after the treatment.
No Whitening of Artificial Teeth
Please note that whitening only lightens natural teeth – and does not affect implants, crowns, veneers, or bridges.